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2024 ASA DataFest Mentor Registration
First name
Last name
Mobile phone number
Your phone number will remain private and only be used by event organizers, if needed.
Organization name (company or academic institution)
Your title/role
Provide your job title if in industry (for example: data analyst) or provide your academic ranking if in higher education (for example: graduate student in statistics, or professor of mathematics).
Where will you mentor?
Select only one location.
- Select -
Arizona State University - Tempe (in person)
Northern Arizona University - Flagstaff (in person)
University of Arizona - Tucson (in person)
Virtual via Zoom
Select dates/times you are available as a mentor
We prefer mentors to sign up for multiple slots to return to teams so that students will benefit more from their mentoring
Friday, April 5: 6 - 6:30PM opening welcome and introduction of data set
Friday, April 5: 7 - 9PM mentor teams (Generate initial ideas/load data)
Saturday, April 6: 10 - 12PM mentor teams (Exploring/choosing 1-2 ideas)
Saturday, April 6: 2 - 5PM mentor teams (Moving forward with 1-2 ideas)
Saturday, April 6: 6 - 9PM mentor teams (Finalizing 1 idea)
Sunday, April 7: 10 - 12PM mentor teams (Finalizing presentations)
Sunday, April 7: 12 - 1PM mentor teams (Help teams practice presentations)
Sunday, April 7: 1 - 3PM view team presentations
Sunday, April 7: 4 - 5PM view awards presentations
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.