Room Reservation Request (Math Affiliates Only)

This form is only for those associated with the School of Mathematical & Statistical Sciences. Those not affiliated with our school will be redirected to contact

72 hours notice is recommended for all room requests.

Your completed request form is sent to You will receive an email confirmation from one of our room schedulers after your room reservation is scheduled.

Room reservations are based on availability, which you can preview using the ASTRA rooms schedule prior to submitting your request.

What kind of room do you need?
Indicate if you have a specific room(s) or building you want this event booked in. If you do not have a room or building preference type ANY.
(example: Math Club meeting, APM 501, Math Bio Seminar, etc.)
(example: math club meeting, MAT 591 class, study group, etc.)
Reminder: food is not permitted in university classrooms. If you will have food available, list details in the comments section below. (example: ASU catering, need event office assistance; will supply our own food)
Activity Frequency
Multi-day activity at regular interval
Multi-day activity NOT at regular interval
Recurring event day(s)
Include set-up time needed prior to event
Include break-down time needed after the event

Enter each event date and start/end time on a new line
Format Guide: Monday, Nov 6, 2023, 9:00 am - 10:30 am
Date/Time of Multi-day Events
Is extra time needed for setup/teardown?
Indicate any specific equipment needs for the room. A list of available equipment by room is available on the room schedule under "view rooms".
(example: ASU students, school staff, statistics faculty, ASU community etc.)